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For advice – 07724 592661
For English classes – 07895 293139
For general enquiries
Call us – 02380 221111
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Come along to one of our drop-in sessions

The Boathouse Cafe – Cranbury Terrace, Southampton SO14 0LH [VIEW MAP]
Every Tuesday between 10:00 and 12:00 – it’s a good place to meet other people and grab a free drink and cake! The cafe is run by Life Church Southampton and we have an advice desk there – come and say hello!

The Meeting Place at Saint Marys Church – St Mary Street, Southampton, SO14 1AQ [VIEW MAP]
Every Thursday from 10:00 to 13:00 – It’s a great place to meet others at the ‘pay what you can’ café, and there are other services, a music group you can join and social supermarket available too. More information here. We have an advice desk there, so come and say hello!

Avenue Multicultural Centre at Avenue St Andrews church – The Avenue, Southampton SO17 1XQ [VIEW MAP]
Every Friday between 10:00 and 12:00 – it’s a good place to meet other people, get support with English or issues such as benefits or housing. They also provide hot drinks and food, some that can be taken away if you need it. The drop in is run by Southampton & Winchester Visitors Group (SWVG) and we have an advice desk there – come and say hello!