What’s changing?
We are moving out of our rented building in James Street, Southampton
The way people get help and advice from CLEAR will change.
Why are you changing?
As a small local charity, our money is from grants, donations and contracts to enable us to run and deliver our services. One of our grants is ending, and we need to reduce costs. Closing the building will allow us to use the money we do have to pay staff and provide advice and classes. We want to use more community venues where people feel safe to meet and where other support and help is also available.
Where are you moving to?
Our office will be based at the Voluntary Action Centre in St Mary’s, and will be for office staff/volunteers, English classes and booked appointments only. No drop-in advice will be given at this new office. We will be available at 3 drop-ins around the city and for booked appointments at the Central Library.
How will I get in contact with you?
For advice:
- Send us a message on WhatsApp – 07724 592661
- Use the enquiry form on our website.
- Visit us at one of the morning drop-ins around the city on a Thursday and Friday.
To ask about English (ESOL) classes:
- Message us on WhatsApp – 07895 293139
- Call us on 02380 221111 to book an appointment
- Use the form on our website.
- Returning learners can contact us on WhatsApp to arrange an appointment or confirm enrolment in person with their teacher.
For professional referrers, those interested in volunteering or for general enquiries, we can be contacted online or via our main phone number.
When are the changes happening?
We will move out of James Street by the end of July. We are already at the St Mary’s Meeting Place (Thursdays) and AMC (Fridays) and plan to be at the Boathouse (Tuesdays) from September. Appointments will begin at the library from 24th July.
A copy of our latest flyer with all the new information on is available CLEAR Brochure – July 2024.
The vision of CLEAR is unchanged – to support and empower refugees, people seeking asylum and other migrants – but our reduced income means that we must reduce our costs.